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Suffrage Science

Engineering and Physical Sciences 2015: Nomination Speeches

The 2013 Suffrage Science Awardees on why they have nominated the next recipients of their award.


Maggie Aderin-Pocock on Lucie Green (space scientist, UCL's Department of Space and Climate Physics)

"Lucie is a phenomenon. As well as having a great career as a Royal Society Research Fellow researching her area of passion – our local star, the Sun – she is also an amazing science communicator. She can engage anyone and has done this through numerous television and radio appearances and wonderfully enthralling live talks. In 2010 she was named one the UK top 10 best scientific minds under 40 and she continues to inspire the next generation to consider careers in science. On top of as all this, she is the ideal drinking companion especially when discussing Life, the Universe and Everything."


Athene Donald on Lorna Dougan (School of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Leeds)

"Lorna is a deep thinker with a hugely positive attitude towards her science - and others working around her."


Susan Gathercole on Susan Condor (Professor of Social Psychology, Social Sciences, Loughborough University)

"Susan is a social psychologist who has done ground-breaking work in the field of social identity and intergroup relations. Her work is widely regarded as both innovative and thoughtful, and she is an inspiration in a field that lies at the cross-section of social psychology and sociology."


Julia Higgins on Anne Neville (RAEng Chair in Emerging Technologies & Deputy Head of School of Engineering, Leeds)

"I chose to pass my jewellery to Anne because I have been constantly amazed by her innovative science. She draws inspiration from the natural world to provide engineering solutions to a wide range of problems ranging from the oil industry to medicine. This means she is truly inter- or multi-disciplinary in her work, bringing together scientists and engineers from very disparate areas. I met Anne when I was a member of the panel which elected her to the Royal Academy Chair and since then I have watched with pleasure the development of her immensely successful research."


Eileen Ingham on Ruth Wilcox (Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Leeds)

"Ruth leads a large group of both theoretical and experimental researchers and has a passion for cross-disciplinary working. Her high intellect, vitality and enthusiasm for research together with her straightforward, considerate nature is an inspiration to all those who work with her."


Sally McIntyre on Anna Goodman (Population Health, London School for Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, LSHTM)

"I nominated Anna because of her passion for public health, social equity and environmental sustainability; her commitment to the next generation of potential researchers; her addressing big and topical questions in relation to how these effect our everyday lives (daylight saving, Boris bikes, free public transport for young people, mental health of young people); her international perspective, for example, her collaborations in Sweden, and research on mental health in young people in low and middle income countries."


Jennifer Nicholls on Silvia Muñoz Descalzo (embryonic stem cells, dpt. biology, Bath)

"Silvia is a developmental biologist of inspirational insight and adaptability. Her interest in how molecular fluctuations impact cellular behaviour led her to embrace multiple model systems from fruit flies to mammals. Our enjoyable and rewarding collaboration began when she was a post doc in Alfonso Martinez Arias’ lab, and our interactions continue to motivate me. Apart from her scientific legacy, Silvia has contributed valuable research tools and, most importantly, her time and energy for the scientific community, past, present and future."


Petra Schwille on Patricia Bassereau (Membranes & Cell Functions, Curie Institute, Paris)

"Patricia is one of the most original and inspiring female researchers I know. Trained as a soft condensed matter physicist, her major contributions to biology have been in the recognition of the functional relevance of physical properties of biological membranes. Her approach to employ giant vesicles as mimicry for free-standing cellular membranes, and to quantitatively investigate their mechanical transformations by various protein machineries, has inspired biophysicists worldwide and found many followers, even among cell biologists. She is an energetic and electrifying speaker, a provoking discussion partner, and a perfect role model for intelligent young female scientists."


Molly Stevens on Alicia El Haj (Science & Technology in Medicine, Institute Director, Keele University)

"Alicia is an inspiration to me for many reasons. Her enthusiasm, hilarious sense of humour and constant support for younger members of the community make her really special. She's made great scientific strides but is also a terrific agenda setting leader. I feel blessed to know her!"


Kathy Sykes on Tamsin Edwards (Earth System modelling, School of Geographical Sciences, Bristol)

"Tamsin did a PhD in particle Physics, but went on to use the skills she learned to model climate change, seeing that it is such a pressing issue, and wanting to use her Physics for good. She began a blog All models are wrong, bravely sticking her neck out in a very contentious field. It’s become really popular. She’s gone on to feature in news media – as a great role model."


Lesley Yellowless on Polly Arnold (Crum Brown Chair of Chemistry, Edinburgh University)

"Polly is a fantastic researcher, an inspiring teacher and a wonderful colleague. Her science is challenging and demands dedication, stamina and an immense intellect. Note she parties in the same fashion. She is a loud and proud feminist and encourages the rest of us to be too!"

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