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Suffrage Science

Maths and Computing 2018: Nomination Speeches

Read the reasons for nomination of the Maths and Computing 2018 Suffrage Science Awardees.


Professor Christl Donnelly, Imperial College London, nominated Dr Ruth Keogh, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

Christl says, “Ruth is an excellent statistician and epidemiologist. She has pursued both methodological and applied work, with a recent emphasis on making personalised predictions of health outcomes for people with cystic fibrosis. She is an inspiring role model demonstrating the importance of rigorous statistical thinking both through her own work and that of her students.”


Professor Jane Hutton, University of Warwick, nominated Dr Tereza Neocleous, University of Glasgow

Jane says “She has made important contributions to forensic statistics, as well as other areas of application. "Tereza has applied her research interests, in a range regression models to an impressive variety of disciplines. In particular, she has contributed to forensic statistics (statistics in the law) through her work in both hard sciences e.g. chemometrics, and social science, e.g. -linguistics. She presents her work with engaging style which encourages others to explore new fields.”


Professor Frances Kirwan, University of Oxford, nominated Dr Nina Snaith, University of Bristol

Frances says “Nina Snaith's research uses Random Matrix Theory to study a wide range of areas of mathematics and science, from quantum chaos to number theory and biology, and includes important advances concerning the behaviour of the zeros of the famous Riemann zeta function. She has also put lots of energy into public engagement and supporting young researchers, students and minority groups in mathematics. Having children as well as an adult relying on her for care, she is well aware of the barriers to continuing a research career which face many academics (and particularly women).”


Professor Sylvia Richardson, MRC Biostatistics Unit, Cambridge, nominated Dr Daniela De Angelis, MRC Biostatistics Unit, Cambridge

Sylvia says “Currently Programme Leader at the MRC Biostatistics Unit, Daniela has established an international reputation for her research on statistical methods in epidemic modelling and complex evidence synthesis. Her methodological research is closely married with her important public health impact that she delivers through her joint position at Public Health England, her numerous international collaborations and her participation in expert groups.”


Professor Gwyneth Stallard, Open University, nominated Dr Eugenie Hunsicker, Loughborough University

Gwyneth says “When I finished my term as the Chair of the London Mathematical Society’s Women in Mathematics Committee, I was delighted that Eugenie agreed to become the next chair. She has a real passion and talent for encouraging early career women in mathematics and was already playing a key role organising events for women mathematicians, inviting inspiring speakers and facilitating animated discussion sessions. She has driven the work forwards in new directions with incredible energy, for example, organising a website featuring a fascinating collection of “Success stories in mathematics”, and coordinating a new benchmarking survey of mathematics departments. This award is about forming networks of inspiring women to support others – a description that fits Eugenie perfectly – she has constantly supported me and so many others and it is a pleasure to be able to pass my award on to her.”


Professor Ann Blandford, University College London, nominated Professor Sally Fincher, University of Kent

Ann says "I have nominated Professor Sally Fincher as a Suffrage Science award holder for two main reasons. Firstly, she is an excellent role model for other computer scientists, taking on national leadership roles (such as chairing the Committee of Professors and Heads of Computing) that shape the future of the discipline and the profession. Secondly, her research has shaped thinking around gender and computer science, particularly on making computer science education inclusive and effective.”


Professor Muffy Calder, University of Glasgow, nominated Professor Julie McCann, Imperial College London

Muffy says “Julie is nominated for her novel research on low-powered and sometimes self-managing sensing and control networks, collaborating with a wide range of companies and in diverse application domains such as smart water networks and environmental monitoring. She leads numerous research projects and is a great role model for women in Computer Science.”


Professor Leslie Goldberg, University of Oxford, nominated Professor Jane Hillston, University of Edinburgh

Leslie says “Jane Hillston is an inspirational computer scientist who is known both for her deep and important research (including her widely-used Performance Evaluation Process Algebra PEPA) and also for her many leadership/mentoring contributions (both in Edinburgh, where she is currently the Head of the School of Informatics, and more widely). Jane has done much for women in Computer Science, leading Edinburgh's first Athena SWAN Silver award and chairing the Informatics Europe working group on “Women in Informatics Research and Education”. She is a perfect candidate for the Suffrage Science award.”


Professor Dame Wendy Hall, University of Southampton, nominated Professor Ursula Martin, University of Oxford

Wendy says “Ursula, we’ve known each other a long time and it’s my great pleasure to hand on my Suffrage Science bracelet to you. I can’t think of a better person to give it to. You’ve done more for women in science and particularly maths and computer science than anyone I know, when you were at Cambridge and the work you’ve done nationally and now the release of the Ada book and I’m really sorry I can’t be with you tonight, I’m in China or on my way to China, I had hoped to be able to make it to hand you the bracelet personally, it’s already gone off for cleaning so I can’t even do it virtually but I hope that you enjoy it as much as I did and as I say it is my great pleasure to hand the bracelet over to you.”


Professor Carron Shankland, University of Stirling, nominated Dr Hannah Dee, Aberystwyth University

Carron says “10 years ago Hannah started the BCSWomen Lovelace colloquium to provide a forum for female undergraduate students in computing to showcase their ideas and network with each other and prospective employers. The Lovelace is now well-established as the top undergraduate conference in our field with 200 attendees in 2018. Hannah also connects with primary and secondary school students to enthuse them about the creative side of computing through the award-winning Aberystwyth Robotics Club.”


Professor Dame Celia Hoyles, University College London, nominated Dr Vicky Neale, University of Oxford

Celia says “I chose Vicki Neale as my nominee for the award as she is to me an exemplary mathematics communicator.She conveys the beauty of the subject with enthusiasm and authority, bringing quite complex ideas within the grasp of everybody.In her latest book, she provides a glimpse into how the international mathematical community has worked together to make breakthroughs on the Twin Primes Conjecture… a tale of public collaboration with fascinating results.”

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